Procedure Guide
Primary hyperaldosteronism - bilateral hyperplasia vs adenoma
Other suspected functional adrenal lesion
Uncorrected coagulopathy (INR >1.7, Plt <50K)
Critical illness - generally an elective procedure
Severe hypokalemia - no exact cutoff. Some will correct during procedure vs reschedule.
Efficacy and alternatives
Technical success rate in studies vary widely from 40% to >90%. Most common failure is due to inability to select the right adrenal vein or misidentification of it.
Alternative would be adrenalectomy without sampling if high level of clinical suspicious, but this rarely done.
Pre-procedure care
Hold spironolactone for 6 weeks prior
Hold any medications affecting renin secretion for 4 weeks prior (CCBs and a-antagonists okay, ACEIs, ARBs, and b-blockers usually okay). Can try 2-week protocol if patient is unable to tolerate 4-6 weeks.
Hold coumadin/Plavix 5d, lovenox 1d. No need to hold ASA/NSAID
Review available cross sectional imaging if available (not required)
ACTH (cosyntropin) stimulation via 50 ug/h drip started >30 min prior to sampling and throughout the procedure OR bolus of 250 ug 15 min prior to sampling if collecting pre- and post stimulation
(Optional) Some use hole puncher to make a hole near the catheter tip to aid with sampling with location of hole depending on side and catheter
E.g. hole on the inferior aspect of a SIM 2 for the left and superior aspect of a RDC for the right
Central venous access - CFV or IJ, two points of access to sample nearly simultaneously vs single access doing one side at a time (right then left)
(Optional) Cavagram if pre-procedural imaging is sufficient
Select the adrenal veins
If doing bilateral access, select left then right. If doing single access, select and sample right and then left since left is easier to select.
Right adrenal vein - often directly off IVC 4-5 cm above the right renal vein in the region of the accessory right hepatic vein if present, RDC works well, others use Mikaelsson, C2, SIM 1, or VAN
Left adrenal vein - often off left renal as common adrenophrenic trunk, Sim 2, Sim 3, Kumpe, or C2. Microcatheter is optional.
Confirm positioning with GENTLE hand injections +/- cone-beam CT (easy to cause hemorrhage with forceful infection)
Can collect samples simultaneously or sequentially
Often redo hand injections to document stable catheter positioning after sampling
(Optional) Rapid Cortisol Assay to confirm adequate sampling. Can also redo hand injections to confirm stable catheter positioning at the end.
Obtain peripheral sample by pulling down catheter to IVC bifurcation or from access sheath
Remove catheter(s)/sheath(s) and achieve hemostasis
Adrenal hemorrhage (<1%)
Incorrect lateralization
Adrenal insufficiency or hypertensive crisis are extremely rare
Interpretation of results
Selectivity Index (SI): cortisol in adrenal vein/IVC, should be >2 w/out stimulation and >5 w/ stimulation to confirm correct sampling location
Lateralization Index (LI): cortisol in dominant AV / non-dominant AV, >2-4 lateralizes to one side, no lateralization suggests benign adrenal hyperplasia
Contralateral Suppression Index (CSI): cortisol in non-dominant AV / IVC, <1 indicated suppression of contralateral gland
Right AV aldosterone can be estimated if only the left AV can be sampled. cAldo(RAV) = [2 * Aldo(IVC) * (Cort(LAV) / Cort(IVC)] - Aldo(LAV). This assumes Aldo(IVC) = 0.5 * [Aldo(LAV) + Aldo(RAV)] / dilution effect. Dilution effect = Cort(LAV) / Cort (IVC).
Additional Resources AND DIRECTIONS
Backtable Articles and Podcasts on Adrenal Vein Sampling
Functional adrenal adenoma ablation is an alternative to adrenal resection